Monday, January 16, 2006


Oh dear. No new posts in nearly a week and all down to flu, an even iller PC and then a big weekend. Well, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, eh? That said, when play results in hanging around dodgy bits of Tottenham waiting for non-existent night-buses, perhaps work isn't so bad after all...

In my time off, I managed to miss:

It really wouldn't be right not to include two of the most sinister political images of 2006 thus far (taken from HP):

As Harry's Place points out:
Once upon a time, we'd have had to photoshop a picture like that.

Nick Cohen has the authoritative take on it:
Still, aren’t they weird? The liberals who think it is worse to appear on a TV show than in the court of a fascist tyrant; the socialists who believe that it is left wing to ignore Iraq as the forces of the far right blow it to pieces. Not just fatuous and immoral, but weird beyond measure.
whilst Stephen Pollard observes that a vote for Galloway really is a vote for fascism:
Just in case you think too much fuss has been made over The Gorgeous One's appearance on Celebrity Big Brother, it has genuinely foul implications.

Interpal, his 'designated charity' is described by the US Treasury as a "Hamas-related charity" and has been listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. So a vote for Galloway is, quite literally, a vote for terror.

The real villain of the piece is not the odious Galloway, whose penchant for licking the backsides of terrorist sponsors we all know about. It is Channel Four, which is knowingly allowing such an organisation to benefit from its airwaves. Just in case you think too much fuss has been made over The Gorgeous One's appearance on Celebrity Big Brother, it has genuinely foul implications.
Oh and David Aaronovitch made the brave move of starting a blog with (*gasp-shock-horror*) comments. Nice one.